Welcome To Contentgy: The Company Redefining Content Writing



I hope you all are having a good time.

It is our first interaction. Somewhere I’ve heard that small talks are a great way to build a long relationship. Therefore, I will keep this piece precise and initiate our first association wholeheartedly.

The Idea of Agency

It is the first thing with which I would like to introduce you all. There are a lot of agencies involved in this horizon, yet I decided to go with this. Why? The primary motivation is my passion for writing.

Passion allowed me to experience all the ins & outs of being a freelance content writer. Everything was good, but still, there was something that made me feel incomplete. For sure that was not money, time or something like that.

The only reason that made me act this way was the gap. As most of the time, to get projects I unintentionally had to add, the third person. This process messed up the things as most of the time, middle link ended-up being a rusty mind, unable to comprehend the need of the client. To make the scenario worse, in some instances, even the client was not sure about the actual needs!

The above process became a sort of routine practice. And this frustrated me a lot! Then my brain & heart combined and decided to revolt against the process. So, I started to find alternatives and used up virtually all of my brain’s power in the hustle to hit the right spot. After a big tug-of-war match between a group of ideas, I decided to start my content writing agency. It gave birth to Contentgy – my dream project. A place where there will be no one in between, and I can put forth my suggestions too if required.

The plans

The next thing was deciding the structure. My intentions were neither to overwhelm myself and nor to disappoint my would-be clients. Also, I realized it is time to remove I and insert Us. For this very reason, I wanted to offer selective services in the beginning and build a dependable team. With my experience, it was not tough for me. Now at Contentgy, we are convinced that our alliance can produce the most reliable and most desirable results.

Basic Setup = Complete

Advance Checks = Done

Ready To Launch = Unquestionably

What is left? To generate demand and become a picked content writing agency. For this, we need your help. You might be thinking how? Honestly, give us an opportunity. I know it’s hard to try something new, but a small gesture can help both of us in achieving great results.

Here, I recall the words of an Australian artist Shaun Tan. He said, “Good and bad ideas both come from the same fountain of speculation and experiment.” So, try our services and let us showcase our skills. Who knows if together we can produce outstanding results!

Interaction & Feedback Should Continue

Though it’s our first communication via words, surely it won’t be the last. It is just the starting, and we see a long way ahead. With the progress of the Contentgy, we will keep interacting with you through numerous mediums. However, for this, the need is to stay connected on social media platforms. So, kindly take out some time and join us there.

Moreover, we believe in two-way communication and think the same is the case with you. Therefore, at Contentgy, we feel the best is to keep in touch. We would love to hear your valuable suggestions and feedback. And would be pleased to address your queries. Additionally, we request you to keep informing us about our faults that we might commit as a normal human being, even after taking all the precautions.

Wishing you receive best of life and waiting to hear great words from you.

The Owner’s Desk


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